Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I had this really weird dream last night, I won't be able to explain it coherently because I can't even follow it myself. It all started out here at school where we find out we're fourth in the housing lottery. Then I had to go somewhere to do something and I had to walk back to campus. Except as I was walking back, I went the wrong way and got to this really sketchy part, and eventually it ended up with a bunch of people dressed up like Halloween. And there was some dude, that I knew or something, and started talking to. Eventually found his house, and then there was a tornado warning! Then I thought, dude I have to go home! So bam! Magically, I appeared back at home in Austin, where my mom wanted us to all shower before we had to go hide from the tornado. wtf right? So after my sister finishes showering, and after I see that the tornado was around Dallas (which is 3 hours away, so that's one crazy tornado) I decided I had to shower really really fast. And you know in dreams, when you're pressed for time, you end up doing things really slowly. So as I was showering, I kept thinking, shoot the roof is going to get blown off the house (my bathroom's on the second floor) and I kept showering really slowly, and thinking goodness, why am I showering?! But whatever, I finally finish, and wooooooooooosh zooom! We were in some place that's really colorful (in my dream, I think I said it was Cornell, but it was nothing like Cornell). And so there was a seperate room in the bigger room, and so everyone was in the smaller room and getting ready to watch some movie. And then my alarm woke me up (typical of how all these dream stories end) and I thought shoot, 262 exam today.


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