Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I had this really weird dream last night, I won't be able to explain it coherently because I can't even follow it myself. It all started out here at school where we find out we're fourth in the housing lottery. Then I had to go somewhere to do something and I had to walk back to campus. Except as I was walking back, I went the wrong way and got to this really sketchy part, and eventually it ended up with a bunch of people dressed up like Halloween. And there was some dude, that I knew or something, and started talking to. Eventually found his house, and then there was a tornado warning! Then I thought, dude I have to go home! So bam! Magically, I appeared back at home in Austin, where my mom wanted us to all shower before we had to go hide from the tornado. wtf right? So after my sister finishes showering, and after I see that the tornado was around Dallas (which is 3 hours away, so that's one crazy tornado) I decided I had to shower really really fast. And you know in dreams, when you're pressed for time, you end up doing things really slowly. So as I was showering, I kept thinking, shoot the roof is going to get blown off the house (my bathroom's on the second floor) and I kept showering really slowly, and thinking goodness, why am I showering?! But whatever, I finally finish, and wooooooooooosh zooom! We were in some place that's really colorful (in my dream, I think I said it was Cornell, but it was nothing like Cornell). And so there was a seperate room in the bigger room, and so everyone was in the smaller room and getting ready to watch some movie. And then my alarm woke me up (typical of how all these dream stories end) and I thought shoot, 262 exam today.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why so hungry?

So it's back to the normal school routine again. Oh joy. No more spring break :(

Vanessa got me to focus for a bit tonight which was pretty funny. She's like "work on your paper for an hour, and then take a 10 minute break." Of course, that's pretty much impossible for me, so I told her "how about 10 minutes of focusing, then break?" I guess I'm working my way up, and soon I'll be able to focus like bam bam bam!

Also I'm in the midst of deciding what summer program I want to do... and still waiting to hear back from the others. So far I'm 2 in 2 which is exciting I guess. So right now, if I don't get a better offer before April 1, it looks like I'll be at UTMB in Galveston for the summer. :)

Annabelle on how I should turn down Stony Brook:
Annabelle: your institution is ballin
Jen: haha
Annabelle: but not ballin enough fo me

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today I made my very first real snowman! And the cartoons were right, you acutally do roll the snow balls! I didn't realize that snowmans would be so fat and heavy so we couldn't roll the snow balls as big as they are in the cartoons (relative to the cartoon characters).

We're like one happy family!

We couldn't find people around GLC to take a picture for us, so we had to make some sort of snow thing to put the camera on.

Monday, March 3, 2008

In need of Friday

So it was a bit of a crazy weekend. Did the BCS project with Lisa on Saturday, and played with play dough with a way creative 6 year old girl. Good times. Then I had tea with Alison, Lisa, and Katrina. I was bad at drinking tea, because I could smell it, but when I drink it, it just tastes like warm water! Then I was waiting for the bus back to GLC, but it never appeared so I ended up walking back in the dark with snow flying everywhere and all over the ground.

Yesterday was.... all over the place. I get an email from mom saying that she was thinking about coming up and visitng for part of my and my sister's spring break. I've learned (especially this year) that I'm not good at hearing stuff like this, and so last minute so I pretty much went crazy in the afternoon and then had to pull myself together so I could waste 4 hours of my day to go to Eastman to play 5 minutes of junk in a concert (that ended up pretty good). It annoyed me how I had all this stuff planned, that I'm going to have to change things around, and have to entertain my mom (because I'm sure she wouldn't like doing kid things like playing Guitar hero all night). And it gave me the sense when I first got her email that she didn't trust me with Charlie or something, even though I thought we've demonstrated enough that we're good kids. Anyhow, then I got back and decided that I should call home to get everything figured out and at least know details. So mom is coming here on Wednesday, and she's taking Charlie and I to Ithaca on Thursday to see my sister (who hasn't really existed all semester). I'm really excited about seeing Cornell again because the last time was a little depressing with everyone being gone and everything being closed and other stuff. And then Charlie and I are coming coming back to Rochester Friday night and going to Niagara Falls with Max and Janelle and whoever else on Saturday. :) I'm glad things worked out in the end, I just need to learn not to freak when I get news like this and have to change my plans. I really hope things aren't going to be awkward.