Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Plant paranoia

Making fun of me about how I worry about my plant:

Jeffrey: omg omg I saw my neighbor look at my plant
Jeffrey: I think it's probably going to get creeped out and die
Jen: really?!
Jeffrey: hahahahaa
Jeffrey: no, silly
Jen: did they like stare at it for a long time
Jeffrey: this is you
Jen: omg
Jeffrey: the fact that you are taking it seriously is a bad sign

Monday, January 12, 2009


December 30:
Arrived in Santiago in the morning to nice and sunny weather. We then took a bus to Valparaiso, a city built on a million hills. We drove to the hostels we were staying at and then went to lunch… at 3PM! Chileans have a weird food schedule; they eat lunch at around 3 and dinner doesn’t start until after 8 or 9. We walked to the restaurant from the hostel, which was of course, a very hilly walk with all these stairs and little secret alleyways. The lunch was crazy huge amounts of food. We all thought that what they brought out first was the main meal, except it turned out that was the appetizer! Lunch lasted for like 2 hours and we didn’t get to rehearse until a few hours than what we planned (the Chilean concept of time is like if you plan something for 5PM, it could start at 6). So concert went relatively well I think and it was this day that I discovered that Chileans don’t drink water. In the evening, Stef, Steph, Yasemin, and I were looking for food and we decided to go to a Greek place (haha Greek food in Chile). It was my first dinner past midnight :P

December 31:
We went on a walking tour of Valparaiso and heard all these crazy stories from our guide, Alberto. Cerro Allegre, the stairs of death, and all the crazy twisty roads and stairs throughout the city. Then we went on a boat ride and saw cute sea lions. The New Years fire works were crazy! It was HUGE and went on forever. After that, a few of us decided that we didn’t really want to go to a club with the rest of the group so we tried to find a bar… except all the bars were closed! We ended up going to a restaurant and got drinks and French fries… oh goodness. We tried to order enough fries to feed 5 people, but they misunderstood us and gave us 5 GIANT plates of fries. We stopped them from giving us the 5th plate but wow. Never eating French fries again.

January 1:
Today, we went to Vina del Mar, a more touristy place right next to Valparaiso. The beaches there were weird. The sand was really grainy and pointy so that was kind of disappointing to walk in but the water was actually blue! (I’ve gotten accustomed to the brownish waters in Galveston because of the Miss. delta). After the beach, we tried to find dinner, except everything seemed closed. We did stumble upon a nice park and a cathedral though. After getting back to Valparaiso, we went to the minimarket and bought a bunch of random food and ate like pigs.

January 2:
In the afternoon, we left Valparaiso for Santiago. When we got to Santiago, we went on this walking tour of the city. There were all these neat looking buildings and random cerros in the middle of like city so that was pretty cool.

January 3:
We went to the Ceroo San Crystolbal for most of the day. After getting to the top, we decided to explore around and try to get down using a path that was suppose to get us to a pool before reaching the ground. However, we walked and walked and got lost and couldn’t find it. Eventually, we decided to climb back up to the top to take the cable car back down. We then wandered Providencial for a bit looking for lunch.

January 4:
Drove out to El Morado National Park. The park was right in the middle of nowhere except there were a few small houses and such around there. I pretty much hung out with Stef and Arthur and we just wandered around wondering how people could live out there and sat by the river thing.

January 5:
Started rehearsal with the youth orchestra kids. They’re so much better than us (we got owned). In the afternoon tried to look for the Plaza de Artisanos (found that in Yasemin’s 2002 guidebook). Of course, it turned out that that place did not exist so we went into the mall that was there. All the shops were so tiny and it didn’t have like any department stores. During dinner, we decided Chilean food is boring.

January 6:
Rehearsal again. In the evening, we played a concert at the Universidad de Andres Bello. The room we played in was so dead! The sound did not go any where at all and it made it really different (but not a bad thing).

January 7:
More rehearsal. Then visited the US embasssador’s residence and the string quartet played. What an awesome house/backyard. Then after we got back, we looked for a cathedral that was really pretty and elaborate inside.

January 8:
Spent the day in Paine. First we did a concert for children and we showed them the instruments and such. Cute little kids! After that and lunch, we went on a tour of a winery. It was strange because they only let us try one wine and they didn’t have a store there. The building design was pretty neat there. After that was the joint concert with the youth orchestra. It was weird because it was an outside concert with the wind blowing, and squinting into the sun. Yeah, I did not play well at all in this.

January 9:
Went to Pueblito Los Dominicos, a handmade arts and crafts place during the day. Lots of cute shops; they had way too much jewelry and Chess sets. Then went to the airport at night.

Yeah…. Definitely got lazy as I wrote this :P