Saturday, July 26, 2008

Almost out of here and my impossible quest to get into grad school

Wow, so I've gotten really bad at updating this blog; I used to be sooo good at it when I had xanga... I guess it's good that I'm not always doing random stuff online like that anymore?

Project's winding down, I'm in my last experiment which will be done next Wednesday. I have an abstract and am starting on my poster which will be absolutely preeeeety! Other than that, Galveston is the most boring place ever! Yeah, we have the beach, but we can only go to the beach so many times. A few weeks ago when Charlie was here, we went three times, once randomly, second to watch the sunrise, and third to fly a kite and to look at stars. Those were good beach trips because they only lasted for like 30 minutes and we went in odd times (ie not during the day) so noone was there. Anyways, I can't wait to get out of here.

What else am I doing? I've been cramming my head full of vocab words for the GRE which I'm taking in exactly a month (crap). Funny how my verbal scores on practice tests range from like 500 to 700 depending if I know the words or not. Sigh. At least I won't have to deal with it when school starts up again. I'm also starting to form my list to apply to... and convincing Amanda and Janelle and everyone to go down south for grad school :P So far on my list I have UGA, UVa, WashU, UC Davis, Univ. of Maryland at Baltimore, and Emory. I think I might add two or three more, maybe UT Southwestern.

I am also looking forward to the several trips and stuff coming up. The parents are coming up for my Meliora weekend and Tiffany's family weekend again. They're also coming up for Thanksgiving, and we're visiting Becky in Pennsylvania during that break, and then CHILE!!!! around New Years with orchestra. I'm excited for all these things, even if it means not being home much, and therefore, not being able to spend as much time with Charlie... I'm hoping things will get better in terms of that when we go to grad school and are hopefully closer together.