Saturday, June 7, 2008


So I just finished the first week here. I'm really liking my lab, but its really different from Rochester. I mean, here it's just the PI and his lab tech (no students!) and at Rochester, it's like a nursery. :P Here, they're not doing experiments 24/7 and so right now, I'm having a lot of downtime and too much reading. I guess it's slower because they do a lot of mice work so you'd have to wait longer than with bacteria.

I really enjoy talking to the PI about my project because the stuff is really interesting and I can't really explain. For one thing, he talks a lot slower than Michelle, lol so it helps me when I think slowly because I'm slow a lot of the time. I have my project now, and yesterday, we ordered the stuff I needed that we didn't have. I knew science was really expensive but not THIS expensive. Get this: this one thing I had to get, 0.5mL (or was it 1mL) of it was $600! I'm really eager to get started because it would mean not so much reading and actually doing things. I'm going to be doing ELISPOT assays to determine the role of CRF-R1 and CRF-R2 on antibody production. CRF is corticotropin releasing factor that's involved in inflammation and the immune system and I'm blocking their receptors at different times and concentrations after exposure to the antigen and looking to see if that effects antibody production. Okay, enough science talk.

I think I'm going to the field house soon because I'm bored out of my mind and annoyed.